
Spirometry is a non-invasive test aimed at the actual evaluation of the lung capacity by measuring the flows and the volumes of the air.

During the exam, the parameters of the patient’s respiratory function are measured, and this allows to identify the presence of any obstructive or restrictive lung diseases.

Internal waterproof sensor. Integrated vocal guide for the correct execution of the exam.

Short duration of the exam which is reported in 24 hours

Waterproof sensor

Precise measurements

Digital sensor

Ultrasound sensor

Actispiro is a latest generation spirometer with ultrasound technology, high precision and without mechanical parts.

Why do you need to carry out a spirometry?

Spirometry is the most common exam to evaluate the lung function, fundamental for the diagnosis, therapy and prognosis. Moreover, spirometry guides the doctor in deciding possible supplementary exams.

Spirometry measures respiratory volumes and flows.

It is useful for the diagnosis of several breathing and lungs pathologies, but it is also used like a prevention test for smokers or people who work in dusty environments.

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